Cocker Country It's All About Cocker Spaniels
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The Cocker Family Tree


Cocker Spaniels originated back in the 1600s as the runts of the litter when the spaniels had pups. They then became their own recognized breed later in the 1800s and throughout those past years they were primarily hunting dogs that specialized in hunting woodcocks for their human counterparts.


All Cocker Country pack members have lived with birds in one fashion or another so do not fear any ill feelings from their breed beginnings. Sweetone, who lived in Cocker Country for 12 wonderful years, lived with a parakeet and protected her from any harm, including "Mom's" bird caring efforts! And other members, Dinky and Muffin had flocks of chickens they rounded up daily for their "Mom".


Cocker Country's newest members, the still puppies, Bandit and Babesy are no different and have a gentle side for their bird pack members. Bandit has made the most progress so far and lives with a parakeet, but Babesy still has a long way to go by comparison. While she was caring and kissed an elderly chicken that has since passed on, when it comes to Bandit's housemate, she shows her true hunter innermost thoughts. Not even a bug is safe from Babesy who pounces on anything that has wings and moves!
